News & Updates
Woodstock Bay Clean-up Event (photos)
The Alliance hosted a “Water Wednesday” clean up event to celebrate the ‘adoption’ of the Woodstock Bay Public Landing. Thank you to all of our volunteers who came out to help keep the landing beautiful! A big thank you to the City of Superior for providing grabbers, garbage bags and gloves. We had great weather and were pleasantly surprised with the small amount of garbage that was collected (1 large bag). Let’s keep Superior and our water ways clean so everyone can enjoy these landings!
The clean-up event was held at Woodstock Bay Landing on Wednesday, June 22nd from 6-8 p.m. This event was in conjunction with SLRA’s on-going ‘Water Wednesdays’, a series of talks and events revolving around deepening understandings, connections, and stewardship of the land and our beloved St. Louis River. Water Wednesdays are held the 4th Wednesday of each month, March-September 2022.
Planting Dune Grass - Wisconsin Point (photos)
The Alliance, in partnership with the Wisconsin DNR, Lake Superior Research Institute and FOLSR helped plant 17,000 Dune Grass plugs on the Wisconsin Point Piping Plover Habitat Area. Thanks to all of our Piping Plover monitors and staff who stopped by to put some plants in the ground. We are excited to see what this area looks like in 1, 2, 3 years and beyond!
It’s time to vote: 2022 SLRA Board Ballot
There are four St. Louis River Alliance Board Member seats up for election, and we are looking for your votes!
If you are a current member, you should have received an email 6/15/22 with the Board of Director Candidate Profiles, ballot, and instructions to vote. If you did not receive an email, you are not current with your membership. If you’d like to cast your vote you must become a member or renew your membership today. You can send in a physical membership or apply/renew online, more information can be found at:
Once we receive your membership, we will send you an email with instructions on how to vote. All ballots must be in by June 28th at 4 p.m. We are very excited for this year’s candidates and look forward to celebrating new board members at our St. Louis River Alliance Virtual Membership Voting Meeting on June 29th, 2022 at 4 p.m.
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Here are some current project updates for June 2022, continue reading for further details:
Perch Lake Habitat Restoration Project | Construction beginning July 2022
Munger Landing | Closed July 5th, 2022
River Stories | Soliciting stories of the River before water quality improvements began
June 22, 2022 Spring Clean-up @ Woodstock Bay
Join the St. Louis River Alliance on Wednesday, June 22nd from 6:00-8:00 p.m. for a volunteer clean-up event at Woodstock Bay Public Landing in Superior, Wisconsin! This is in partnership with the City of Superior Parks, Recreation and Forestry.
The Alliance adopts Woodstock Bay Public Landing in Superior Wisconsin!
The St. Louis River Alliance (SLRA) has partnered with the City of Superior and is excited to announce the ‘adoption’ of Woodstock Bay Public Landing in Superior, Wisconsin! The Adopt Program is a collaborative effort between Superior residents/organizations and the city’s Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department to improve and maintain parks, trails, beaches, and boat landings throughout Superior.
Water Wednesdays: History of the St. Louis River (RECORDING)
Originally recorded on May 25th, 2022.
During this presentation local historians and researchers, Heidi and Gina, discussed the history of the St. Louis River and Estuary, including early inhabitants, explorers, industrialization, and the 1970's cleanup efforts and formation of WLSSD. The history of the River is fascinating and so many people have played a part in renewing what was once a devastating situation. Though there is still much work to be done, we are making strides and can celebrate a cleaner river with the St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail and all of the projects and progress happening in the St. Louis River Area of Concern.
History Throwback: 1968 UMD Statesmen
Here is a 1968 UMD Statesmen article that discusses the pollution problems of the St. Louis River and Lake Superior in the 60’s and 70’s. Pictured is Lyle Brand examining sludge in the St. Louis River. How far we have come!
To learn about the clean-up efforts in the St. Louis River Area of Concern, click here.
Star Tribune Article: Dreams of a Restored St. Louis River 'Finally Coming to Fruition'
The Star Tribune recently shared a great article about the $113 million of federal funding that is going to help restore the St. Louis River!
Check out ‘Dreams of a Restored St. Louis River’ written by Jana Hollingsworth at the Star Tribune. Distributed on May 17, 2022
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Here are some current project updates for May 2022, continue reading for further details:
Spirit Lake, Scanlon Reservoir and Munger Landing | EPA Announce $113 Million to fund the Great Lake Restoration Projects near Duluth, Mn
U.S. Steel/Spirit Lake Project Public Meeting | Thursday, May 19th from 5-7:30 p.m.
Kingsbury Bay | Goose exclusion fencing has been installed
Perch Lake Habitat Restoration Project | Contract awarded to J.F. Brennan
**Reminder: Munger Landing | Closed for 2022-2023
Piping Plover migration season has begun! (May 1 - June 30)
It is again migratory shorebird season here in the Twin Ports! May 1 - June 30. The St. Louis River Alliance (SLRA) is monitoring the beaches on Wisconsin Point and Minnesota Point for the critically endangered shorebird, the Great Lakes Piping Plover. For more information on the Piping Plover visit
The St. Louis River Alliance cautions the public to be aware of these vulnerable shorebirds when using local beaches during their nesting season. Loose dogs and human activity are the biggest deterrent to successful nests. On Minnesota Point, the public can help by avoiding the beach near the Airport, observing posted signs, leashing their dogs and cleaning up any garbage.
Birding on the National Water Trail + Annual Membership Meeting (RECORDING)
EVENT RECORDING: During our Annual Membership Meeting, the Alliance shared updates on the current state of the organization, what we're working on, upcoming event details and more! Margie Menzies highlighted the incredible migrations that come through Duluth. Focusing on the St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail, Margie provided expert advice on where and what you can see and hear while enjoying the River this spring, summer and fall.
ST. LOUIS RIVER AREA OF CONCERN UPDATES: MNDNR accepting comments on environmental documents for Perch Lake Habitat Restoration Project
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting comments through May 5 on an Environmental Assessment Worksheet for a proposal to restore aquatic and wetland habitat in the St. Louis River estuary.
The installation of a 16- by 12-foot culvert between Perch Lake and the St. Louis River would improve hydrologic connectivity and aquatic organism passage, revitalizing the connection between the waterbodies with increased flow volumes, improved access to overwintering habitat for fish and reduced water residence time in Perch Lake.
Copies of the EAW are available on the project page. Additional copies may be requested by calling 651-259-5723.
Public Invited To Comment On Proposal To Remove Impairment In St. Louis River Area of Concern | The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are seeking public comments on their recommendation to remove the Degraded Fish and Wildlife Populations Beneficial Use Impairment from the St. Louis River Area of Concern.
The public comment period is open until April 26 and there will be a public open house on Thursday, April 14, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the Lake Superior Reserve Estuarium located at 3 Marina Drive, Superior, Wisconsin. A presentation about the impairment proposed for removal will begin at 5:30 p.m.
Round Up at the Register (April 2022): Whole Foods Co-op AND Mount Royal Foods
We are grateful to be the Round Up at the Register reciepients for not one grocery store, but TWO!! Throughout April 2022 you can make small donations at the register by rounding up your purchases at both Mount Royal Market and Whole Foods Co-op.
All of your donations in April will go directly to the Alliance and help support our work of protecting, restoring and enhancing the St. Louis River!
The St. Louis River Area of Concern (SLRAOC) is one of 31 AOCs in the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes basin. It was designated as an AOC under the U.S. – Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement in 1987 because of significant impacts that occurred before modern environmental laws were in place.
After decades of work and partnerships, you can now see the progress throughout the SLRAOC: contractors are busy each construction season, plant and animal populations are rebounding, water is cleaner, and lost habitat is being restored.
As of March 31, 2022, 62.5% of the management actions are completed.
Annual SLRA Membership Meeting: April 27 with special programming ‘Birding on the National Water Trail’
Join the St. Louis River Alliance for our 2022 Annual Membership Meeting with special programming by Margie Menzies 'Birding on the National Water Trail'.
This event will be held via zoom on Wednesday, April 27 from 7-8:30 p.m. Free and open to the public, though you must register.
You don't have to be a Member to attend the Membership Meeting!
Public Invited To Comment On Proposal To Remove Impairment In St. Louis River Area of Concern | The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are seeking public comments on their recommendation to remove the Degraded Fish and Wildlife Populations Beneficial Use Impairment from the St. Louis River Area of Concern.
The public comment period is open until April 26 and there will be a public open house on Thursday, April 14, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the Lake Superior Reserve Estuarium located at 3 Marina Drive, Superior, Wisconsin. A presentation about the impairment proposed for removal will begin at 5:30 p.m.
Water Wednesdays Series: An Indigenous World View w/Ricky DeFoe (Recording)
Join the St. Louis River Alliance as we welcome Ricky DeFoe for our first installment of 'Water Wednesdays', a series of talks and events revolving around deepening understandings, connections, and stewardship of the land and our beloved River.
During 'An Indigenous World View', Ricky will discuss cosmology, philosophy, and values and actions that lead to institutions, and the challenges to re-spiritualize a de-spiritualized community. He will also bring to light barriers to collective change in worldviews.
Water Wednesdays Event Series
The St. Louis River Alliance is excited to introduce Water Wednesdays, a series of talks and events revolving around deepening understandings, connections, and stewardship of the land and our beloved St. Louis River.
Water Wednesdays will be held the 4th Wednesday of each month, March-August 2022. All virtual sessions will be free and open to the public, though registration is necessary.