News & Updates
St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates: 2020 Remedial Action Plan is now Available
The 2020 St. Louis River Area of Concern Remedial Action Plan (RAP) update is now available, incorporating stakeholders’ feedback we received on the draft shared recently. The document is available online here.
St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates: Remedy Decisions for Scanlon Reservoir, Thomson Reservoir and Mud Lake West
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) remediation team is another step closer towards the cleanup of the St. Louis River Area of Concern (SLRAOC). After evaluating options and gathering public input, MPCA has selected remedies for three SLRAOC contaminated sites: Scanlon Reservoir, Thomson Reservoir, and Mud Lake West.
2020 Celebration of Progress: St. Louis River Area of Concern (Virtual Event Recording)
Watch the recording of this years 2020 Celebration of Progress: St. Louis River Area of Concern. This year we learned about the St. Louis River Area of Concern projects that have been completed and those that are underway. The event was virtually hosted on Tuesday, November 17 from 6-8 p.m. via Zoom. This is a live recording of that event.
St. Louis River Area of Concern Update: AZCON Slip Clean-up Complete
ST. LOUIS RIVER AREA OF CONCERN UPDATES: The St. Louis River Area of Concern (AOC) is one step closer to delisting following completion of a contaminated sediment clean-up project at AZCON/Duluth Seaway Port Authority’s Slip November 12.
WATCH NOW: St. Louis River Area of Concern
The St. Louis River was designated as one of the 31 Areas of Concern (AOC) on the Great Lakes due to significant historical issues with pollution and degraded habitat.
For decades the Alliance has been working on projects with state, tribal, and federal agencies in order to delist the St. Louis River as an Area of Concern by 2025.
Watch now to learn more!
St. Louis River Area of Concern Update: Azcon/DSPA Slip Remediation Project
ST. LOUIS RIVER AREA OF CONCERN UPDATES: The remedial construction in the Azcon/DSPA Slip started this week! The activities at the site will include dredging and landfill disposal of approximately 700 cubic yards of contaminated sediments, followed by capping and armoring 2.2 acres of the slip. The remedial cap will be constructed with clean material beneficially dredged from the Duluth Navigational Channel. Construction is anticipated to continue throughout the month of October, and be completed by early November depending on weather.
More information can be found at:
St. Louis River Area of Concern Update: Howards Bay
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will remove more than 130,000 cubic yards of material, including contaminated sediment and debris, from Howards Bay in Superior, Wisconsin beginning this fall with most dredging activities finishing by November 2021.
"Cleanup of sediment at Howards Bay is a necessary action to remove beneficial use impairments and to eventually delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern."
St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates (Scanlon & Thomson Reservoirs)
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency announced cleanup options for the Scanlon and Thomson reservoir sites in the St. Louis River estuary. The public is encouraged to review and comment on the potential cleanup alternatives. The MPCA will consider all public comments, along with stakeholder input, in selecting the final cleanup remedy. Please submit written comments by 4:30 p.m. on August 31, 2020.
St. Louis River Area of Concern Stakeholder Engagement Survey
Your input can help the St. Louis River Alliance and Area of Concern Agencies understand how we can improve our communications with you. Please take 15 minutes to complete this short survey by Friday, June 19th. Responses will remain anonymous.