
The St. Louis River Alliance is looking for temporary and long-term volunteers. Coming up in November we will be organizing a Sustainability Drive in which we need hands! 

This is what we are looking for:

  • Availability starting immediately and running through the month of November, with the opportunity to help long term.

  • 1-2 Administrative Volunteers who will assist in membership mailings, office organization and record keeping. 

  • 3-7 Outreach Volunteers who will help with postering throughout town, attending events, sharing social media information and images, etc.

Both opportunities are flexible and can fit into your schedule. We are looking for 1-3 hours per week throughout the month of November, and beyond (if desired). This is a great opportunity to help the Alliance grow.

Please email Alyssa Johnson at outreach@stlouisriver.org if you are interested!


St. Louis River Area of Concern Update: Kingsbury Bay/Grassy Point project completed!


Help select the ‘People’s Choice’ Photo Winner!