January 2025: St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates
The St. Louis River (SLR) was designated as one of the 31 Areas of Concern (AOC) on the Great Lakes. It was designated as an AOC under the U.S. – Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement in 1987 because of significant impacts that occurred before modern environmental laws were in place. Following the SLRAOC Remedial Action Plan, state and federal agencies have been implementing management actions to address the legacy impairments. If you look, you can now see the work in progress throughout the SLRAOC: contractors are busy each construction season, plant and animal populations are rebounding, water is cleaner, and lost habitat is being restored.
Continue reading for January St. Louis River Area of Concern project updates.
Photo: cover of 2024 Remedial Action Plan
2024 Remedial Action Plan (RAP)
The annual RAP update process has been completed, documenting changes that occurred between 10/1/23 and 9/30/24. The 2024 RAP is now posted on the WDNR and MPCA websites.
For more information, go to the WDNR website (click on the AOC Plans tab) and the MPCA website.