St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates: Interstate Island Restoration Project Completion
Here is a “birds eye” view of the completed habitat restoration at Interstate Island. The project was completed in late April.
52,624 cubic yards of dredged materials were beneficially reused to restore or enhance the colonial water bird nesting habitat!
Here are a few stats:
6.7 acres of colonial water bird nesting habitat restored or enhanced above high-water design elevation (605.5 feet above sea level - IGLD85)
8.4 acres of habitat restored or enhanced above the OHWL (602.8 feet - IGLD85)
2,934 feet of natural shoreline restored or enhanced at the OHWL (602.8 feet - IGLD85)
52,624 cubic yards or dredged materials beneficially reused
Total project cost was $2.8 million, with funding coming from the Great Lakes Coastal Program (USFWS), Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act (USFWS), Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (US EPA), Harbor Management Trust Fund (US ACE) , Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program (NOAA), and Minnesota’s Outdoor Heritage Fund.
You can learn more about the project here: