Photo Contest Winner Announcement
And the winners are....
People’s Choice
People’s Choice Winner voted on by the public:
Tone Coughlin, American White Pelican below the lower dam in Jay Cooke State Park
”“During their annual spring migration north, thousands of American White Pelicans visit and fish at the east end of Jay Cooke State Park. This individual was not afraid of the raging waters of the lower dam to grab his favorite fishing spot!”
People, Recreation & Harbor Activity
1st Place - Michael Anderson, Storybook Wonder
“Sun is setting on the Thomson Reservoir radiating the light of a photographer's dream”
2nd Place - Heidi Beal, St. Louis River from the Swinging Bridge, Spring Thaw
“The violence of spring thaw is an awe inspiring time on the River. ”
3rd Place - Tim Beaulier
Conoeist paddling thru Fond du Lac Duluth
Fish, Wildlife and Birds in their Natural Habitat
1st Place - Tone Coughlin, American White Pelican below the lower dam in Jay Cooke State Park (Also, People’s Choice winner)
2nd Place - Bob, Foucault, American White Pelican at Chambers Grove
“Each year hundreds of White Pelicans stop in the Chambers Grove area for a rest on their migratory route. They offer a fairly up close look at a variety of activities that they engage in.”
3rd Place - Chuck Sjodin, Return of the Yellow-headed Blackbird (Mud Lake)
“I have been told that the Yellow-headed Blackbirds were not nesting here for awhile and this year there were at least 6 nesting pairs. Striking color and fun to watch them spar with the Red-wings”
Plants & Flowers
1st Place - Deanna Erickson , Dragonfly exuvia on seeding wild rice (Duck Hunter Bay)
2nd Place - Julie Deters, Water Lily
3rd Place - Samir Shahin, Duluth Bee Atop Flower
About the contest
Throughout 2021, the St. Louis River Alliance (SLRA) hosted a photo contest to celebrate the seasons and beauty of the largest U.S. river that flows into Lake Superior. The SLRA went on a mission to find striking digital images that highlight the diverse flora, wildlife and recreational activities that connect people to their natural habitat.
The contest began on May 3rd, 2021 and closed on October 4th, 2021. Thank you to all the amazing photographers who submitted a photo in the contest. We appreciate your participation and hope there will be future opportunities for you to join in on the fun! The photo contest was held in partnership with the Area of Concern Agencies and funded by Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
1st place in each category will be awarded $150, the People's Choice Photo will be highlighted on SLRA website and social pages as well as being the cover of the 2022 St. Louis River Area of Concern Remedial Action Plan (RAP). 2nd and 3rd place will be showcased on the SLRA website and social pages. All submitted images will be used by agencies to help promote the restoration efforts happening on the St. Louis River!
In total there were over 123 photographs entered into the contest and over one thousand people joined the mission of viewing, sharing, commenting and voting on the photos that were submitted.
As the third ever Season of the St. Louis River Photo Contest, the judges had the difficult task of narrowing down the top photographs. After much deliberation, the top three photos in each category were selected. A big thank you to your judges: local artist Annmarie Geniusz, local artist Sarah Glesner, Barb Huberty of Minnesota Pollution Control, Alyssa Johnson local photographer and SLRA staff, and local artist Barbara Crow.
We sincerely appreciate the enthusiasm and willingness of our artists, judges, supporters, friends and visitors for participating in the contest. We look forward to the potential of doing something similar in the future!