Current Initiatives
National Water Trail
The St. Louis River Alliance is taking the lead on implementing the St. Louis River Estuary Water Trail Plan. This multi-use waterway will engage the community to recognize and reconnect to the beauty and abundance of the St. Louis River. The Water Trail can ensure access to all regardless of skill level, ability or financial means.
Piping Plover Project
Piping Plover are extremely rare shorebirds in the Great Lakes Region and were listed as endangered in 1986 under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
For years the St. Louis River Alliance has been working with state and federal agencies to create a favorable habitat for nesting Plovers on Minnesota and Wisconsin point beaches.
Wild Rice Project
Wild rice, or manoomin in Ojibwe, has been a vital nutritional grain for indigenous people for centuries and holds great cultural significance. Ecologically, wild rice is a key plant and food source for waterfowl, while also providing habitat for fish and wildlife.
The St. Louis River Alliance partners with the Wisconsin DNR and others to help plant wild rice, monitor the beds, and collect data.
Area of Concern
The St. Louis River was designated as one of the 31 Areas of Concern (AOC) on the Great Lakes due to significant historical issues with pollution and degraded habitat.
Learn how the St. Louis River Alliance has partnered with agencies and community members to clean up the river.
Stewardship Events
One of the foundational goals of the St. Louis River Alliance is to build connections between community members and the St. Louis River through education, outreach and stewardship events. These events lead to actions and behaviors that contribute to a sustainable, healthy and resilient environment.